Hello World!
Been a couple of days since I was on here, mouthing off about something or another. Life happened I guess. Did you miss me? I know I did! Lol
Earlier today I was watching the Goodmorning America show and Chris brown was being interviewed as part of the promotion drive for his album, and despite the fact that I am not a Chris Brown fan and all that I still respect the dude and the uphill battle he has fought to put all that RiRi-ism behind him. But alas! Some people don’t feel the same way as I do to be specific Robin Roberts who was the Interviewer and all Chris Brown haters out there.
Let’s get real people, hasn’t this young man being punished enough. Worst things have happened for God sake! Can we all agree to forget the about the whole “take this punch(s) b***h you gave me herpes” situation? He’s put an album out, which he has repeated time and time again is strictly for his fans. If you are not then just let him be. Geez!!
Not surprisingly Breezy feels the same way, On the interview set the dumb axx lady hosting the show kept trying to steer the conversation towards the whole “take this punch(s) b***h you gave me herpes” situation, while breezy was trying but obviously failing to steer the conversation back to the album.

The story continues that after the interview he went into a violent rage in the dressing room and smashed quite a few items, including a mirror which sent glass raining down the 43rd floor and security had to be alerted.
What I don’t understand is why do black people get picked on in situations like this? Yes I said it BLACK people. Case in point Kanye West! He had an out of body situation with Taylor swift and no one has gotten over it ever since. Regardless of what the interview is or with whoever it still gets brought up.
I don’t see anyone boycotting Lindsey Lohan, Charlie Sheen is still selling out shows. Did Chris do anything crazier? NO! yeah he beat a lady up . I am not condoning that but he’s done his time. Even the judge agrees so let’s just focus on the talent and not what happened 2 years ago. I know that lame @rihanaNavy on twitter would have a problem with this but deal with it. Lessons have been learnt, his previous album was shunned, bro man didn’t get any radio play whatsoever. ENOUGH!!!!!!
Enjoy the album, and if you don’t like Chris Brown or have a problem with the whole “take this punch(s) b***h you gave me herpes” situation, then don’t invite him to your show, don’t follow him on twitter, don’t listen to his songs, don’t click on Chris Brown articles ENOUGH!!!
Plus until RiRi convinces me otherwise I still stick by my story that it was just BDSM gone wrong! Maybe she forgot the safe word! LMAO.
In other news, as bad as you all say Rebecca Black’s Friday song is, she’s made over 1 Million USD from iTunes and over 25,000USD off YouTube ad revenue sharing, so you might want to think again before saying something mean about the crappy song. Note that I don’t think it deserves an article or my time or day but a million bucks? Ok maybe I should hook her up with .
What do you think?
RiRi, why did your Freemason arse give Breezy HERPES!!!! >:-(
ReplyDeleteI wasn't happy with that dumb a** fool Robin Roberts. She should have done what she was supposed to do and that was to interview Breezy about FAME. What the FCUK was she up to bringing up shit that happened years ago?!! smh
ReplyDeleteHowever,its rather frustrating to constantly have to be reminded of the wrongs one has done in the past.! I mean, as Chris stated..”It’s the Past”.! It doesn’t matter how much anger management one has had; there will always be something/someone to push one back to the edge.! If anything, we are not Perfect.! And, the last thing I want to hear when trying to become a better person; is what I did in the past.!
Maybe chris should have asked that skank why she never came out to her fans that she's gay?! Big secret! Maybe robin doesn't want to talk about it? like chris no longer wants to talk about rihanna.She owes him an apology. Who the hell does she think she is? oprah? geraldo? bitch, please. She's nothing.
ReplyDeletei think y'all reading dis situation wrong.... RiRi had absolutely nuffin to do wid dis.... infact i fink no one wants dis more forgotten than Rihanna. she's quit talkin about it..... on the other hand Breezy kips confirming his critics whupped view of his person.... he made it through the interview inspite the woman's delibrate attempt to ask the wrong questions, he shuld have kept it in check... screaming and breaking windows that could have caused bodily harm to a passerby is just wrong in whateva way u wanna see it.... for me, it was publicity stunt for F.A.M.E!!!, chris needs help and he shuld try and get it cos he is never gonna live that incident down.... its always always gonna be part of his history.... going round callin d incident a "mishap" is bad enuff, and pipo were already moving on.... Dude now pulls dis sh*t.... comon guys, lets be honest....Robyn is an interviewer and dosent give a shit if FAME sells 2 units or 2 million units... all she is interested is gettin a juicy story... aha!!! trust Breezy to have swallowed the bait......its a pity!!! ENUFF ALREADY CB... U RE BETTER THAN DIS
ReplyDelete@ FULLspeedAhead..the problem is with people bringing this up..why would that even be a topic when the interview was to promote FAME?
ReplyDeletewhy is it no one asks RiRI nothing about it? but its always the first thing when Chris is anywhere..no number of anger management can stop someone from getting pissed off. Bro man is human joor.
Robyn crossed the line!
@Fullspeedahead, that interview was meant to promote FAME not bring back past SH*T. How would you feel if someone kept harping on the past and negative instead of present and positive? Not saying he was right for reacting like that, but come on, give the dude a BREAK!!
ReplyDeleteset up for ratings......she got them.....old fashioned journalism at its best....slow week over at gma until this....
~fuck that bitch~
I think he has done his time. He is a great artist. My problem is why does he have to express his anger violently?
ReplyDeletemy sentiments exactly"WHY DOES HE HAVE TO REACT VIOLENTLY....." my problem isnt with his gettin pissed, my problem is the way he reacted.... for crying out loud, we all have shit shoved in our faces every day from from deserved and undeserving quarters, buh we dont go round punchin windows..... and if he could have controlled himself for the duration of the interview, bro man shuld have kept it in check.... all these violent outburst isnt garnering any sympathy, if anyfin , it is a cry for help.... if a shard of the broken window had injured a passerby , d story would have been different or if GMA had decided to press charges.... simply truth, DUDE KEEP IT IN CHECK PLS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteObviously hes got some issues with his anger but to be fair in this situation the lady kept provoking him. Breezy was very clear he didn't wanna talk about Riri but that bitch kept pushing it.
ReplyDeleteShe was lucky enough that breezy has learnt to somewhat control himself. she would have earned herself a bruised face for being the bitch that she is.