It’s funny how reality and make believe can merge sometimes, and the result can be really interesting to watch.

The show centers around a hippy type bachelor named Charlie (played by Charlie sheen) whose selling point is his wild sex escapades and heavy drinking and every other bachelor type debauchery in existence. In the last seven years the show has been on TV, Charlie sheen has totally embodied his character to the point where the show is no longer cool or should I say funny to watch.
The current season has been a total pain to watch, the drinking, pornstar loving and drug using Charlie sheen now looks so old and constantly hung over not to mention all of his hair is almost all gone. Apparently it takes 4hours of make up to get him TV ready these days!
The 3 times married actor has been charged with everything from assault, drinking, vandalization, drug use, you name it he’s probably done it.
Sometime at the end of January, he was rushed to the hospital for severe abdominal pains after a night of hard partying and production on the show had to be halted. The thing is it costs about 350,000 to 400,000 USD to produce an episode. The production company ordered that Charlie pay a mere third of that cost but here’s a guy who pockets an estimated 1.25 million USD an episode so no biggy.
The only reason why CBS didn’t pull the plug on the doomed show back then was because it was still one of the most watched shows on TV. Needless to say last night the plug was officially pulled on the show after Charlie called a radio show from his hotel in the Bahamas and said some harsh words about chuck Lorre and alcoholic anonymous.
Here are excerpts from the show:
I was shackled and oppressed by the cult of AA for 22 years… Newsflash, I’m special. The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning. My success rate is 100 per cent. I finally extracted myself from [AA’s] troll hole and started living my life the way I want to live it. It’s vintage, outdated and stupid and it’s followed by stupid people. I hate them violently. They will come at me.
Debate me on AA right now. I have a disease? Bull****. I cured it right now with my mind.
He continues with:
I’m not fair game. I’m not a soft target. There’s a new sheriff, and he has an army of assassins… My motto now is either you love or you hate and you must do so violently. I don’t live in the middle anymore. That’s where you get embarrassed. If you love with violence and you hate with violence there is nothing that can be questioned.
He also wrote an open letter to TMZ:
One thing is, the show has made a boat load of money for the production company over the years and I am almost 100% sure it would be back on air in no time. We all know how tolerant Hollywood is of these crazy types and I won’t be surprised if a reality show is the outcome of all of this. For petes sake Lindsey Lohan is still booking modeling gigs like it’s no big deal.
Another angle is the Chuck Lorre factor: CBS is banking heavily on Lorre and if they have to cut Charlie or end the show altogether to keep Lorre I am pretty sure they would do it knowing that it would be hell to renegotiate with Lorre if he decides not to work with Charlie anymore. So they might just decide to take the money and close the show for good.
It would be interesting to see how it all plays out in the end. Unless there is a “crazy clause in Charlie Sheen’s contract, CBS cant even shoot episodes without him, not unless they are going to keep paying 1.2 million big ones per episode whilst he stays home.
One thing I have learned though is, after God, Hollywood is the next most forgiving person. Just ask Kiefer Sutherland (24) or Lindsey Lohan or better yet just watch celebrity Rehab.
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